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2024, Vol. 40,No. 5 Published:20 October 2024 Previous   
Safety and Environmental Protection Management
Analysis of Operational Safety of Chemical Projects
Wang Yang
2024, 40 (5):  1-4. 
Abstract ( 73 )  
Chemical projects operate at a high level of safety risk and are highly susceptible to work safety accidents. Combining with the characteristics of chemical projects, this paper elaborates on such aspects as chemical intrinsic safety design, personnel training, material management and equipment management from a practical point of view, aiming at highlighting the key points of safety management of chemical projects and reducing and avoiding safety accidents in project execution.
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Research on Systematic Thinking in Enterprise Safety Management
Tian Chao
2024, 40 (5):  5-7. 
Abstract ( 70 )  
The systematic thinking model in safety management is to effectively unify occupational safety and process safety together from a higher level, analyze and solve problems systematically. It uses the internal control system of the enterprise as the carrier to integrate various systems and link all the elements together, and uses one system to achieve the integrity, systematicness and unity of management, thereby achieving full coverage of risk management. It can solve the problem of multiple management systems running simultaneously in an enterprise, leading to confusion, overlap, and disorder. Based on the analysis method of safety barrier theory, systematic thinking can be used to find the lack of control, which can avoid the recurrence of accidents effectively.
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Study and Application of Benzene Removal from FD2G Light Gasoline
Wu Yandong
2024, 40 (5):  8-11. 
Abstract ( 47 )  
The light naphtha produced in the catalytic diesel hydro-conversion unit has light composition, high content of isomers and aromatics, especially high content of benzene, so it is not suitable to be used as gasoline blending component and reforming material of Branch Company. There is a large loss of benefit from selling it as ethylene material. By analyzing the composition of light naphtha and combining with the available old equipment and simulating calculation with RSIM software, the optimum scheme of removing benzene from light naphtha was selected and implemented to increase the production of foaming agent or production of high-quality gasoline blend components, and better economic benefits were obtained.
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Research on Process Safety Supervision System Based on Artificial Intelligence
Gao Ming
2024, 40 (5):  12-16. 
Abstract ( 101 )  
This paper proposes an AI-based process safety management system aiming at overcoming the limitations of traditional safety management in complex production environments. By analyzing the key elements of AI application in process safety management, the system constructs an integrated intelligent model which has enhanced the effectiveness and resilience of safety management. Incorporating the 20 core elements of the guidelines for chemical process safety management, the system outlines a development pathway to address current and future safety management challenges. This provides a novel solution for the modern safety management domain. The research findings indicate the potential for a transition towards intelligent public safety governance models, guiding the future development of safety production management.?
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Dynamic Vulnerability Evaluation of Storage Tanks Considering Multiple Failure Scenarios
E Dongmei
2024, 40 (5):  17-21. 
Abstract ( 34 )  
To improve the ability of managers to control risks in storage tank areas, Monte Carlo simulation was used to analyze the failure probability of tanks under different failure scenarios, taking into account the time factor, ignition probability, fire and explosion synergy. Based on the leakage time, dynamic simulation of storage tank vulnerability was carried out through an example. The comprehensive vulnerability of the storage tanks varies greatly with the influence of failure scenarios, and the failure probability decreases after the final fuel is exhausted.
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Exploration of Fire Risks and Solutions in Petrochemical Enterprises
Wang Xiaotong, Dai Mingda
2024, 40 (5):  22-24. 
Abstract ( 42 )  
The objective of this paper is to reveal the severity of fire risks in petrochemical enterprises, and to further construct a theoretical framework and design an empirical research plan based on the principle of fire occurrence by understanding the current research progress in order to find out effective risk prevention and control strategies. The goal is to provide scientific basis and practical guidance for improving the fire safety management level of such enterprises and reducing the probability of fire accidents.
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Effective Measures to Strengthen Safety Supervision of Hazardous Chemicals in Refining and Chemical Enterprises
Mao Shiyu
2024, 40 (5):  25-27. 
Abstract ( 41 )  
The safety supervision method of dangerous chemicals is closely related to the safety production and operation of enterprises. To formulate scientific and effective regulatory measures so as to ensure the normal operation of enterprises. By analyzing the hazards and problems in the storage of dangerous chemicals, some measures are put forward to improve the supervision and management system, enhance the supervision intensity and increase the application of information supervision system in the process of hazardous chemical safety supervision. Through comprehensive implementation of the above measures, the work of hazardous chemicals safety supervision in refining and chemical enterprises has been effectively strengthened; the level of safe production in enterprises has been raised and a safer.
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Study on the Effects of Safety Climate on Safety Behavior of Chemical Workers by Meta-Analysis
Zhao Kai
2024, 40 (5):  28-30. 
Abstract ( 26 )  
Based on 5,860 data collected from 39 surveys at home and abroad, this paper adopts Meta-analysis method to study the safety climate and managers' commitment in chemical enterprises from the perspectives of conformity behavior, social cognition and organizational support theory. It is found that safety communication, safety environment, safety supervision and other factors have a significant positive effect on employee safety behavior, and the mediating effect of enterprise size and the number of dimensions of safety climate on employee safety behavior is also investigated. The results indicate that the safety climate as a whole and all levels have a significant positive impact on employee safety behavior, while the management commitment and safety communication have a moderate impact on employee safety behavior. Enterprise size and the number of safety climate dimensions have obvious effects on the relationship between employee safety climate and employee safety behavior. Among them, there is no direct correlation between the number of enterprise safety climate and the effect value of each dimension.
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Safety and Environmental Protection Design
Analysis of Pipeline Vibration in LNG Plant
Zhang Junwen, Xie Jinke, Zhao Rui
2024, 40 (5):  31-34. 
Abstract ( 39 )  
In view of the pipeline vibration problem of a certain domestic LNG plant, it is found that the pipeline vibration of the plant is regional, multiple and posterior; there is large kinetic energy in the vibration area and the vibration area is far away from the traditional vibration source. Using the methods and principles of the British HSE EI Guide and combining with the characteristics of the pipeline vibration of the plant, the vibration source is locked in the fluid-induced turbulence caused by the support lifting, resulting from uneven settlement. Then the problem of pipeline vibration of the plant is solved successfully. This case study provides reference and suggestions for the design of LNG plant pipeline and the treatment of on-site pipeline vibration problems.
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Safety and Environmental Assessment
Risk Assessment of Petrochemical Enterprises Based on LEC Method
He Chong, Wang Xiaotong
2024, 40 (5):  35-38. 
Abstract ( 40 )  
The purpose of this paper is to explore the research background and importance of risk assessment of petrochemical enterprises based on the LEC method. This paper reviews the research trends of safety management in the petrochemical industry at home and abroad in recent years, and presents the application examples of LEC method in the field of energy and chemical industry in China. With the advancement of science and technology and the increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, the needs of petrochemical enterprises in risk prevention and control are becoming more and more urgent, and the LEC method has gradually become the preferred assessment tool in the industry due to its flexibility and pertinence.
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Accident Analysis and Prevention
Quantification of Magnetic Flux Leakage Signal from Elbow Defect in Pipes with Small Diameter
Xia Zilong, Zhang Ying, He Zhanyou,Zhao Pengcheng
2024, 40 (5):  39-43. 
Abstract ( 43 )  
When the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) internal detector passes through the elbow of the pipe with small diameter, the lifting-off value of the detector changes and the detected MFL signal is quite different from that of the straight pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to study the applicability of the traditional quantization method. Based on the MFL simulation model of straight pipe and elbow, a set of three-axis MFL signals of defects with different specifications are obtained. Then, a multiple hybrid feature dataset is constructed and used as input to fuse the PSO-ELMAN model. After that, the quantization methods for elbows and straight pipes are constructed separately to establish the three-dimensional mapping relationship between magnetic flux leakage signal and defect size. The research results indicate that the quantization accuracy of PSO-ELMAN model in length, depth and width of elbow defect reached 98.6%, 98.3% and 97.9% respectively, which is better than the results obtained from the adoption of BP neural network. This study can provide some basis for quantification of elbow defects of pipes with small diameter.
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Risk Analysis on Production of a Fluorination Reaction Product and Technical Measures for Safety
Song Jianguo
2024, 40 (5):  44-47. 
Abstract ( 42 )  
By using the hazard and operability method and combining with the thermal assessment results of fine chemical reaction, this paper made a safety analysis on an intermittent reactor production technology for producing lithium hexafluorophosphate by hydrogen fluoride solvent method. It identified the abnormal events of uncontrolled reaction, high temperature and high reactor pressure that existed during the fluorination and synthesis reactions of the process. Such events have triggered the leakage of highly toxic mediums leading to the actual risk of poisoning of personnel. Some measures and suggestions were put forward to reduce risks including intrinsic safety design, instrument interlocking control, abnormal condition protection and upgrading of personnel skills. The lays of protection analysis was adopted to further analyze the taken measures, which showed that the risk in the production process was acceptable.
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Risk Analysis on Leakage and Explosion of Quench Heat Exchanger in Cracking Furnace of Ethylene Plant Based on Fault Tree Analysis and Event Tree Analysis
Huang Yixiang
2024, 40 (5):  48-52. 
Abstract ( 45 )  
In 2022, fire and explosion accidents caused by material leakage occurred frequently in chemical devices. Among them, the thought-provoking accident was an explosion and combustion accident that occurred in the quench heat exchanger of a cracking furnace in an ethylene plant during the feeding process. Based on the results of the accident investigation report, the safe operation status of the quench heat exchanger of the cracking furnace of an 800 kt/a steam cracking unit was analyzed by using the safety analysis methods of the accident tree analysis and the event tree analysis. The main danger and harmful factors existed in it were checked and identified. Measures to prevent or reduce its danger and improve the safe operation of the device were proposed.
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Fire and Explosion Prevention
Analysis of Fire Separation Distance Around LNG Storage Tank
Liu Yang, Du Fan, Guo Min, Li Haoyue, Shi Shuang
2024, 40 (5):  53-55. 
Abstract ( 33 )  
Currently, the standards related to liquefied natural gas storage tanks include Code for fire protection design of petroleum and natural gas engineering (GB 50183-2004) and Standard for design of natural gas liquefaction plant (GB 51261-2019). This paper adopts the internationally recognized DNV PHAST fire calculation model to calculate and analyze the fire separation distance of a liquefied natural gas storage station. In terms of station safety and social-economy, the paper explores the fire separation distance of liquefied natural gas storage station suitable for the local environment so as to reduce the risk to the surrounding buildings and provide the basis for the safe production in enterprises.
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Clean Production and Comprehensive Treatment
Application of Isentropic Boosting Technology for Energy Recovery in Natural Gas Transportation
Wang Tianliang, Jiang Ze,Lin Zhenhua,Xu Liangliang
2024, 40 (5):  56-60. 
Abstract ( 44 )  
The isentropic boosting technology is adopted to develop a pressure energy recovery device, which can transfer the excess pressure energy of the high-pressure gas source to the low-pressure gas for pressurization so that the high and low pressure gas sources can simultaneously meet the pressure of the gas pipeline network for exporting. There is almost no conversion of mechanical energy and internal energy of gas in the operation process, which is close to the isentropic process and the use of the pressure energy of high-pressure gas is maximized.
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Research on Hydraulic Balance Debugging of Circulating Cooling Water System Based on PIPENET
Wang Tao, Wang Peng
2024, 40 (5):  61-64. 
Abstract ( 33 )  
The circulating cooling water system is an indispensable production facility in petrochemical, coal chemical and other factories. Due to the large number of heat exchange equipment in the system and uneven user demand, on-site debugging is very complicated. This paper briefly introduces the relevant features of hydraulic balance debugging of large-scale circulating water system in petrochemical industry, and takes a specific example to study the application of pipeline network hydraulic calculation software to simulate the hydraulic balance process of actual petrochemical circulating water network in engineering. The valve opening or orifice plate size of each branch of heat exchange equipment can be obtained at one time, thus greatly shortening the debugging time in actual debugging.
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Study on Simultaneous Detection of six Bisphenol Compounds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Zhang Zhe
2024, 40 (5):  65-68. 
Abstract ( 49 )  
In this paper, six bisphenol compounds that could be detected simultaneously were selected from a variety of bisphenol compounds by ultra-performance liquid chromatography. The experimental conditions were optimized and the detection limit was determined to be 0.009 ~ 0.012μg /L; the precision was between 0.1% and 3.9% and the blank spiking recovery was between 80% and 114%. This has laid a good foundation for the simultaneous detection of multiple bisphenol compounds in environmental water samples.
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