石油化工安全环保技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 48-51.

• 清洁生产与综合治理 • 上一篇    

常压罐区VOCs 密闭收集系统的安全控制措施


  1. 中科合成油工程股份有限公司,北京 100020
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-23 出版日期:2020-08-20 发布日期:2021-02-02
  • 通讯作者: 陈海洋 E-mail: m13661149418@163.com
  • 作者简介:陈海洋,男,2002 年毕业于中国石油大学 (北京)油气储运专业,硕士,主要从事煤化工和炼油 化工储运系统的设计工作。电话:13661149418,E-mail: m13661149418@163.com

Safety Control Measures for VOCs Closed Collection System in Atmospheric Tank Farm

Chen Haiyang   

  1. Synfuels China Engineering Holdings CO., LTD., Beijing, 100020
  • Received:2020-04-23 Online:2020-08-20 Published:2021-02-02
  • Contact: Chen Haiyang E-mail: m13661149418@163.com

摘要: 以某煤化工厂常压罐区油气回收设施为例,对VOCs 收集管网各个管径进行精确计算, 确保VOCs 收集管网系统的安全可靠;对每个常压储罐尽可能提高操作压力,设置氮气密封,在每个 储罐联通线靠近储罐的位置设置阻爆轰阻火器和仪表切断阀,确保储罐安全可靠;对VOCs 密闭收集 系统支线汇入鼓风机入口干线的边界处设置带有定位器、电磁阀的调节阀,设置安全可靠的仪表联锁 系统,确保VOCs 收集管网支线安全可靠;对VOCs 密闭收集系统的鼓风机采用变频电机驱动,鼓风 机入口干线设置在线氧分析仪和补氮线,确保鼓风机入口干线安全可靠;鼓风机出口干线上设置在线 氧分析仪和紧急切断阀,确保鼓风机出口干线安全可靠。

关键词: 常压储罐, 挥发性有机物, 密闭收集系统, 安全, 措施

Abstract: Taking the oil and gas recovery facility in the atmospheric tank farm of a coal chemical plant as an example, this paper calculates the pipe diameter of VOCs collection pipe network accurately to ensure the safety and reliability of VOCs collection pipe network system; the operating pressure of each atmospheric storage tank is increased as much as possible; nitrogen seal system is set; and anti-detonation flame arrester and instrument cut-off valve is set near the connecting line of each tank to ensure the safety and reliability of the tank; a regulating valve with a positioner and a solenoid valve is set at the boundary of the branch line of the VOCs closed collection system flowing into the main inlet line of the blower and safe and reliable instrument interlocking system is set to ensure the safety and reliability of VOCs collection network branch line; frequency conversion motor is adopted to drive the blower of VOCs closed collection system and the on-line oxygen analyzer and nitrogen supplement line are set at the inlet main line of the blower to ensure the safety and reliability of the inlet main line of the blower; the online oxygen analyzer and emergency shut-off valve are set on the main line at the outlet of the blower to ensure the safety and reliability of the main line at the outlet of the blower.

Key words: atmospheric storage tank, volatile organic compounds/ VOCs, closed collection system, safety, measures