石油化工安全环保技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 5-8.

• 安全与环保管理 • 上一篇    



  1. 中海油安全技术服务有限公司,天津 300456
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-29 接受日期:2024-11-15 出版日期:2024-12-20 发布日期:2025-01-03
  • 作者简介:李修峰,男,硕士,主要从事海外油田油气生产安全管理工作,工程师。电话: 13821349874,E-mail : xiufeng919@163.com

Hazard Analysis on Hydrogen Sulfide Leakage from Offshore Platform Wellheads

Li Xiufeng, Zhang Jidong   

  1. CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited, Tianjin, 300450
  • Received:2023-11-29 Accepted:2024-11-15 Online:2024-12-20 Published:2025-01-03

摘要: 针对某海上平台井口硫化氢泄漏风险,建立数值仿真模型,分析硫化氢泄漏扩散过程及分布,为规避硫化氢风险提供指导。分析表明:井口泄漏后,硫化氢迅速扩散在中层甲板至上层甲板的空间内,井口区域、人行通道、注水管汇、井口控制盘、化学药剂注入撬等区域硫化氢浓度达到20mg/L ;来风可稀释泄漏区域硫化氢浓度,风向影响泄漏硫化氢的分布及外部救援力量的就位方向。由于挡风板的布置,来风对硫化氢的稀释作用减弱,井口、设备泄漏后硫化氢易于积聚,可考虑夏季气温敞开移动式挡风板。

关键词: 海上平台, 硫化氢, 泄漏, 风险

Abstract: Aiming at the risk of hydrogen sulfide leakage at the wellhead of an offshore platform, a numerical simulation model was developed to analyze the diffusion process and distribution of hydrogen sulfide leakage in order to provide guidance for prevention of hydrogen sulfide risks. The analysis reveals that following wellhead leakage, hydrogen sulfide rapidly diffuses from the middle deck to the upper deck. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in areas such as the wellhead region, walkway, water injection manifold, wellhead control panel, and chemical injection pry can reach up to 20 mg/L; the incoming wind can dilute the concentration of leaked hydrogen sulfide in affected areas; moreover, wind direction affects both the distribution pattern of leaked gas and positioning directions of external rescue forces. Due to windshield arrangements, the dilution effect of the incoming wind on hydrogen sulfide is weakened; thus accumulation occurs after wellhead and equipment leakage incidents. In summer, employing open mobile windshields should be considered.

Key words: offshore platform, hydrogen sulfide, leakage, risk